Eating Better

Man I have been so close to not doing this again. Glad I have pre-selected topics!

I’ve tried many different methods for meal planning, but have always had trouble with the big three: inexpensive, healthy, and easy to make (I like supper to take an hour or less, that’s about the length of one Veggie Tales movie :P). Currently, I’m looking into the Ketogenic diet, and I’m hoping that will meet the requirements for me.

The thing about Keto is that even though I’ll be buying one or two things I didn’t before; I’ll also be cutting back on other items. Add to that that I’m planning to keep breakfast and lunch super simple, and I think I may be able to continue under cutting my budget (more on that in the budget post though).

Josh eats the same thing every day for breakfast: 3 pieces of bacon, and 3 eggs scrambled, with cheese and Texas Pete on top. What I eat used to vary from pancakes to cereal to smoothies to toast etc. But after having Derek I just eat whatever is super easy, which usually means cereal. So I need to overhaul my breakfast. This is what I’m looking at:

  1. Smoothie. That one is great because I won’t be buying gelatin, and our Walmart carries canned coconut milk. Also, her recipe calls for thinning it if you use canned, so it will go even farther.
  2. Egg cups of some kind (beaten eggs poured over meat in muffin tins and baked. Could be any number of add-ins). I could make a large batch and freeze them. Super simple!
  3. Yogurt Cups. These would need a few alterations. I would likely omit the granola, and use plain greek yogurt with a bit of honey. Eventually, I’d like to wean myself off of needing sweetener in things like yogurt, but I’m not there yet. 😛
  4. Pancakes! Man I hope these are good. They’re the only ones I found that didn’t have any weird ingredients like almond flour, coconut flour, or protein powder. Those aren’t cheap.
  5. Later, when I’m not trying to save so much money, I’d like to make some cereal. None of the recipes I found use inexpensive ingredients, but I would save it strictly for very busy days like Sundays or the occasional doctor appointment. Sadly, my favorite granola recipe is out because it uses millet which is apparently not allowed on Keto. 😦

That’s plenty of variety, but most days will probably be egg cup or smoothie days. I haven’t done as much research on lunch, but it would be great if the meals had some overlapping ingredients. I’ll try to update this post when I have more lunch and supper meals. 🙂

Here’s to healthy eating!

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